Recommendations for… coffee table books

Two weeks of Blogmas down! And ten days till Christmas Eve!!

I personally love coffee table books. I know they take up space and can be pricey, but they’re so pretty! I think they make perfect gifts, especially if you know what a person likes topic-wise. Here are some coffee table books I love.

Humans of New York: Stories by Brandon Stanton

I love Humans of New York and I love what Stanton as achieved with his platform. I have this book and it’s a gorgeous collection.

5 Very Good Reasons to Punch a Dolphin the the Mouth by the Oatmeal

This is a comedy book by a comic artist known as the Oatmeal. This is perfect for someone with a weird sense of humour.

Strong is the New Pretty by Kate T. Parker

This is one of my favourite collections. It’s a gorgeous book of pictures of young girls doing what makes them strong: sports, playing with their friends, painting. I love it. It’s perfect for anyone who is into girl power. It would also be good for a girl around 13.

Robert Bateman’s Canada by Robert Bateman

Robert Bateman is one of my favourite artists. I have the books of his complete collection and I have an autographed calendar! (my mom did a Ted(x) Talk a while ago and he was there. it’s kind of an embarrassing story but it got me a signed calendar!) He does amazing realism, and this collection highlights some of his best Canadian paintings.

In the Company of Women by Grace Bonney

I don’t personally have this book, but it sounds wonderful. I’ve seen it in Chapters and want it. I think it would be perfect for anyone really, but especially women who are artists or entrepreneurs.

The Beautiful Brain: The Drawings of Santiago Ramon Y Cajal

We have this book because my mom’s a psychiatrist so people always get her brain related things. It’s gorgeous and super interesting. It would be perfect for anyone interested in the brain (which I mean who isn’t).

Hubble: Legacy Edition by Giles Sparrow

This is a gorgeous book of SPACE which is one of my favourite topics. It has pictures from the Hubble telescope and it’s beautiful. Again, it would be perfect for anyone, but especially those who like space.

The Atlas of Beauty by Mihaela Noroc

I also don’t have this one (yet) but I think it’s amazing. It’s a collection of 500 portrait of women in 50 countries, along with personal stories. I think it’s amazing to see so many places and cultures and what is considered beautiful in other places.

Doctor Who: the Vault by Marcus Hearn and Stephen Moffat

Finally two nerdy ones! This one was for the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who and my boyfriend got it for me our first Christmas together. I love reading about behind the scenes and filming secrets and things like that. I highly recommend this one!

Harry Potter Page to Screen by Bob McCabe

And the Harry Potter one of course! I think we own most Harry Potter book-to-film books, but this one is the best! It documents all the changes and it has some great behind the scenes photos. It’s perfect for any Harry Potter fan.

These are my recommendations for coffee table books! Have you read any of these? Or do you have any favourite coffee table books? Do you like them? Let me know!

Thanks for reading!

10 thoughts on “Recommendations for… coffee table books

  1. I like quite a few of the Harry Potter coffee table books but the Page to Screen book is one I’ve yet to get my hands on. A few months ago I picked up the History of Magic book that tied into the British Library Exhibition and although I’ve yet to read it, it looks like it will be a stunning book.

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  2. I have some “Art of x movie” books that I love which also make great coffee table books! My biggest problem is that we don’t have a standard coffee table, so we don’t really have room for coffee table books. Ah well. I’ll have to come up with some other place to display them.

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