Some pride recommendations

Happy pride, everyone! Today, I thought we'd do some queer recommendations. I'm always trying to read more books by queer and trans authors, and though I've done these types of posts before, I wanted to do an updated one! Since my last post, I've read quite a few books by queer authors and with queer … Continue reading Some pride recommendations

Recommending some standalones

Hello, friends and book lovers! It has been a while since I did a good, old fashioned book recommendations post, so that's what we're doing today. Today I'm recommending some standalones, which are personally my favourite type of book. I feel like series are more loved and recommended, but standalones deserve love too. I tried … Continue reading Recommending some standalones

Recommendations for books with 20-something year-old protagonists

Happy Monday, fellow book lovers! I hope you had a great weekend. Today, I'm giving some recommendations on books with 20-something year-old protagonists! I often see people talking about how this is an age group not published about, which is false. These books are not as popular as YA, but they exist and they're not … Continue reading Recommendations for books with 20-something year-old protagonists

Recommendations for books with a ragtag crew/team of misfits/found family

Hello friends and fellow book lovers! Today I'm giving recommendations for a well-loved trope: found family/ragtag crew/team of misfits! I really love this trope, like most people, and wanted to talk about some of my favourite books with this trope. I will say off the bat that a lot of these are fairly popular books, … Continue reading Recommendations for books with a ragtag crew/team of misfits/found family

Books with fewer than 5,000 ratings on Goodreads you should read

Hello friends, happy Monday! I feel like I haven't done a recommendations post in ages, even though they're my favourite types of posts to do. So today, we're rectifying that. I'm going to be talking about some books with fewer than 5,000 ratings on Goodreads that you should read! I am always trying to read … Continue reading Books with fewer than 5,000 ratings on Goodreads you should read