Tag Tuesday: Blog All Day, Meme All Night Book Tag

Okay guys, I think I found the perfect tag for me. It combines my two favourite things: books and memes. I first saw this tag on Jamieson’s blog and had to do it. So thank you for introducing me to this tag. I love memes too much and am so happy I can talk about them.

1. YEET – which book would you yeet out of existence?

How to Debate Leftists and Destroy Them: 11 Rules for Winning the Argument by Ben Shapiro. I haven’t read it, but I hate Ben Shapiro, so any of his books can leave. I literally tried to listen to one of his podcasts and in the first two minutes, he says “America is the freest and safest country for women in the world and in the history of mankind” which is just objectively not right, and he doesn’t provide references or anything, just moves on.

2. CRYING KIM K – which book gives you lots of feelings?

My forever mood

Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. So many feelings. If you haven’t read it yet (Madison, looking at you), read it soon.

3. AMERICA, EXPLAIN – favourite book set outside the US?


Ooooh so many. Recently, Pachinko by Min Jin Lee. It’s just so good and I loved it a lot.

4. RIP VINE – your saddest character death?

Finnick. Every time I think about it, I get sad. I was going to say Hedwig, but my friend Madison made fun of me so. But also Finnick’s was very sad too.

5. WHAT ARE THOSE? – a book that left you confused?


K I loved this meme, no shame. In terms of books, Boy, Snow, Bird by Helen Oyeyemi. I was just….. confused? I didn’t understand a lot of the motivations and the issues.

6. BIG DICK ENERGY – favourite character with BDE?


Evelyn from The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reed. She’s the best. She’s just like “hey, b i t c h, I’m here and I. am. GOING. to be successful.” She was the best.

7. I WON’T HESITATE BITCH – favourite book with a morally grey protagonist?

One of the best vines, tbh.

Okay he’s not the protagonist, but Holland from ADSoM. He’s just the best, and of the best morally grey characters ever.

8. MOVE, I’M GAY – favourite book featuring a lgbtq+ romance


Can I say Evelyn Hugo again? Because it’s definitely Evelyn Hugo.

9. STREET SMARTS – favourite book featuring a protagonist whose strength is their intelligence?


K I am so happy to see a John Mulaney thing here. He’s the best. Street Smarts is so good.

I think Hermione’s greatest strength is her intelligence. It’s also her biggest weakness because she’s stubborn af because of it, but it’s also the thing that helps her the most.

10. ALEXA PLAY DESPACITO – character death you were happy about?

Shoutout to my friend Madison’s sister Sheena for saying Bellatrix, because that is so true. She was definitely the one character I was glad died.

11. THEN PERISH – a book you DNFed?


“I’ll do anything for you.”
“Then perish.”
is one of the most powerful exchanges in history, you will not change my mind.

No surprise here, but All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven. I just hated it. Sorry.

12. KERMIT SIPPING TEA – a book that makes a statement?


The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. It’s so good and powerful, and I loved it.

13. SAME HAT – the character you relate to the most?


I said a little while ago Kiko from Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman, and I think that’s still true. Her social anxiety was so painfully accurate and I related so much.

14. OH WORM – a book you didn’t expect to love?


Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor. I didn’t expect to love this book as much as I did.

15. SHREK – favourite book featuring mythical creatures?


I don’t read any books featuring mythical creatures apparently, but I’ll go with American Gods by Neil Gaiman. I loved it, and the gods definitely count as mythical creatures.

I’m tagging: Rebecca, Caidyn and Chantel, Ellyn, and Sarah, because I feel like y’all would have fun with it. But as always, no pressure!! And of course, if anyone else wants to do this, please tag me so I can see your answers!!

Thanks for reading! xx

28 thoughts on “Tag Tuesday: Blog All Day, Meme All Night Book Tag

  1. Thank you for tagging me! As we know, I am #trash for memes!!!!! I was thinking about this post at work and I kept thinking about how you have big dick energy like I am friends with the queen of BDE ❤

    Anyways I can't wait to do this haha. I haven't read The Perks of Being a Wallflower in so long and I need to reread. I don't think I've read it since high school.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. omg REBECCA NO thank you so much ❤ ❤ ❤ that's so not true in real life but it means everything that you think that! ❤

      I can't wait to see your answers!! I haven't reread Perks in a couple of years now. But my roommate last night randomly was like "oh I watched that Perks of Being a Wallflower movie earlier" ?????

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow, Ben Shapiro sounds terrible I definitely won’t ever pick up his book.
    Evelyn Hugo totally has BDE, she’s such a fantastic mc!
    I find it so interesting that you enjoyed American Gods, it’s actually one of my least favourite books of all time!

    Thank you for tagging me! ❤❤❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. He’s the worst! Definitely recommend avoiding him at all costs.
      Right? She’s the best!!
      My brother and mom also hated American Gods! I think it’s something to do with Gaiman’s writing.

      You’re welcome! I can’t wait to read your answers!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I LOVE this tag ahh. Ooh I agree with Perks of Being a Wallflower for sure. Finnicks death gets to me every time agh. I can’t wait to start Seven Husbands. I’ve only heard good things! Great post!

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