I recently reached 150 followers and I just wanted to say thank you so much! I never started blogging for the numbers, I just did it because I like telling my opinion to other people and hearing others’ opinions. But because I’m narcissistic, the validation is always nice! (kidding!!) (not kidding) The book blogging community is always so positive and encouraging, and I’m so happy to be a part of it even in a small way.

Thank you to everyone who likes and comments on my posts! Interacting with other bloggers is my favourite part, so you are all very much appreciated. And even if you just read my posts and don’t comment or like, thank you as well!!

A lot of bloggers do Q+A’s when they reach a certain milestone, and I thought that would be fun. So if you have any questions for me or anything you’re nosy about, leave them in the comments and I’ll answer them in a later post!

Again, thank you so much to everyone for your continued love and support. Thank you for sharing your opinions and for putting up with my constant yelling at you about my opinions! Thanks to everyone for reading!

12 thoughts on “150 followers!

  1. Congratulations!! You deserve it. For your Q + A, my question is, did you ever have any doubts about your blog when you first started? If so, what were they? Looking forward to reading more posts from you!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations! You deserve it! I’ve just started blogging so my first question is if you have some universal tip about blogging for the beginners. My second question is what is the best thing that happened because of your blog or some great memories about your blogging life? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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