Goodreads Bookshelf Tour: to reread

Happy Saturday, everyone! Today is the first official instalment of my new Goodreads Bookshelf series! Inspired by Bella @ All Things Annabelle, every other week, I’ll be going through the different shelves I have on Goodreads, explaining what they mean, and some of the books on there. Today I’m going over my to reread shelf.

This is fairly self-explanatory but: it’s books that I want to reread ASAP. It’s also fairly short as I try to keep it doable. That being said, I haven’t actually ever reread a book on this list yet. Hopefully soon, though.

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Gillespie and I by Jane Harris: I read this ages ago, and remember thinking it was really interesting but maybe not as good as everyone said. But I want to reread it now that I’m a bit older.

Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett: I mean I always want to reread this book. This has been on this list for so long because literally six years ago, I gave my copy to my friend Liv to take to camp and she lost it somewhere (I don’t think it ever made it to camp, I think it got accidentally destroyed when her parents renovated their house). So I need to get another copy.

The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson: I read this literally about a decade ago, and I loved it. From what I remember, it talks about medical ethics in a very sideways way? And now that I’m older and in law school, I think it could be interesting to revisit.

Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys: this was one of the first historical fictions books I’d ever read, and I loved it. I want to reread it to see if I love it as much the second time around.

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The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella: I was definitely too young to have read this, but I remember finding it hilarious. Now that I’m an adult and can appreciate it a bit more, I want to reread it.

Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan: this is my second-favourite John Green novel, and I want to reread it to see if my feelings have changed at all. Again, it’s been about a literal decade since I read it.

A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray: another book I haven’t read since junior high but loved when I read it. I remember thinking this book was great when I read it, and then discovering recently that a lot of people thought it sucked and/or was super problematic. So I want to reread it to see my thoughts.

The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman: this was one of my favourite series in junior high, and I’ve wanted to reread it for ages now. I just think it’s such a classic and I want to relive it all over again.

The Akhenaten Adventure by PB Kerr: one more series I loved in junior high and want to reread. I never finished this series because it’s about 19 books long (don’t quote me on that) but I do want to reread the first one.

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So those are the books that I want to reread! Have you read any of these? Do you have a similar shelf on your Goodreads? What books do you want to reread? Let me know!

Thanks for reading! xx

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9 thoughts on “Goodreads Bookshelf Tour: to reread

  1. I re-read The Golden Compass/Northern Lights for the first time since childhood last year and it read like a completely different book. I still loved it and it will continue to be one of my favourites but the conflict between science and religion stood out to me a lot more than it ever did before. I think it is also more apparent with the release of La Belle Sauvage and The Secret Commonwealth. I need to re-read The Amber Spyglass before diving into The Secret Commonwealth.

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    1. Oooh interesting! I was fairly young when I first read them, so I completely missed the science/religion discussions. But that’s one of my favourite topics, so I’m interested to see what I think when I reread them!

      I’m glad you still loved it upon reread, too! I’m always worried about rereading favourites in case I don’t love them lol.

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