Adaptations I’ve watched but haven’t read and have no intention of reading

Happy Friday, pals! Today I’m talking about some book-to-movie adaptations I’ve watched but haven’t read, and am honestly not interested in reading. This was inspired by Ellyn’s post, so definitely go check hers out!

I used to be so strict about always. reading. the book. first. And then, I thought one day, but why? If I’m not interested in the book, why? So now I just watch the movies and maybe get to the book one day (but probably not, if we’re being honest). So here are some adaptations that I (for the most part) loved, but have no intention of reading!

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The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants: I mean obviously I’ve seen this movie, but I have never really wanted to read the book. I think it works so well as a movie that I’m fine not reading it.

Pretty Little Liars: unfortunately, I have watched all of PLL. It remains the second worst written TV show I’ve ever watched (try to guess the worst written TV show – hint, it’s also an adaptation). I can, with full confidence, say I will never read the books for this series because (1) there are so many and (2) I don’t want to.

The Princess Diaries: I just love the movie so much that I don’t think I’d ever want to read the book because I know they’re so different. Julie Andrews and Anne Hathaway are iconic, and Sandra Oh as the vice principal is amazing.

To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before: of all the adaptations on this list, this is the one I’m most likely to read. I love a good fake dating story, and my sister owns the book, so there is a chance I’ll read this.

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Dumplin’: funny story about this movie, my roommate and I both watched this at the exact same time, but alone in our bedrooms. After, she was like “I just watched the dumbest movie” and I was like “oh I just watched a movie too, but it was really cute! What movie did you watch?” lmao. BUT I did really love this movie, I just have no interest in reading the book now.

Room: this book was on my TBR and was even on my “read before watching” list, but I watched it anyways and now I don’t really want to read the book as well. I feel like I got the story and don’t know how much I’ll get out of the book.

Wonder: this was never on my TBR, so that’s good. I watched it with my friends, the day of my grandmother’s funeral, two months after my dog had died. And it deals with a dead grandmother AND a dead dog. So that was good. But I did really enjoy it, I just don’t feel the need to read it.

Everything, Everything: again, this was never on my TBR because the whole “being sick aha” trope isn’t really my thing. But I went to see the movie with my sister, and actually really enjoyed it. It was cute and visually pretty, okay?

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So those are some adaptations I’ve watched and don’t think I’ll read anytime soon. But what about you? Have you watched/read any of these? Are there any I should watch? Let me know!

Ally xx

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34 thoughts on “Adaptations I’ve watched but haven’t read and have no intention of reading

  1. I’ll probably never read the Song of Fire and Ice books even though I enjoyed the series and am curious about what the “real” ending might be. I’m pretty sure I’d like it, but since I already know most of the story I’d rather commit that reading time to something new!

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  2. I’ve also watched (almost) all of PLL and will probably never read the books! While I haven’t had any intention of reading The Princess Diaries, a friend of mine recently read some of them and said there was some reaaally problematic content (specifically around consent, I believe), so that def cemented that decision for me. I definitely have some other adaptations like these that I don’t intend on reading, but can’t quite remember atm. This was a fun list, though!

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  3. “unfortunately, I have watched all of PLL. It remains the second worst written TV show I’ve ever watched” — this is such a relatable statement for me on a lot of tv I have ended up watching LOL, haven’t watched PLL yet though. Really want to see the Everything Everything adaptation in the future. Neat post and post idea!

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    1. OMG it is Riverdale!!! Good guessing!

      Yes, Mandy Moore plays the cheerleader (whose name I can’t remember right now). I remember in the commentary, Anne Hathaway said she’s the nicest person ever, so it was hard to smear ice cream all over her lol


  4. Room is one of my favourite movies of all time, and honestly, this might make me a bad reader, but I don’t want to ruin my love for the movie by reading the book, because what if I don’t like it????

    I also don’t think I’ll ever read Wonder, I know my younger brother has the book and enjoyed it, but the movie had such an impact on me and I don’t think the book would have that same punch (the older sister) so I think I’ll just stick with the movie. That being said, for me, Wonder is one of those movies I’ll probably only watch once because that was enough and it was just too sad if that makes sense? Like, it was almost too good? I honestly can’t explain my feelings on this movie lol.

    Lol, tangent, sorry! I loved reading your post and I’m so glad that I somehow inspired you to write it! I love seeing people talk about movies, especially adaptations, maybe I should do that more often too! 💕💕

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    1. SAME!! I just know I won’t like the book as much as the movie, so I might as well just not read the book?

      Yes, I totally get that! I feel like it was one of those movies that once you’ve seen, you don’t necessarily have to see again. Like, it’s good and I think everyone should watch it, but no more than once

      Ahhh thank you! 💕 you definitely should!

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  5. I watched The Princess Diaries but have no intention of reading the book. I know there are several others where the movie/TV show was something I enjoyed, but the book was never (and will never be) on my TBR list.

    And I’m seriously thinking about Crazy Rich Asians. I loved the movie and had planned to read the book, but now I’m not sure if I want to bother. The movie was just so awesome that I might just stick with it.

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  6. Take it from someone who bought the Pretty Little Liars book 1-4 box set and didn’t even make it through the second book – YOU’RE NOT MISSING OUT! I ended up giving them away. They were NOTHING like the series but in the worst possible way. But… I am curious… what was your worst written TV show??? Was it Vampire Diaries??? Am I close??? haha 😉 x

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      1. OMG YES!!! 100% AGREED WITH RIVERDALE! I enjoyed the first season (ish) but I just can’t get through season 2. There’s is so much unnecessary drama that could all be worked out with a simple conversation or a trip to the freaking police station!

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  7. I’ve seen bits of PLL and read most of the books, and I was not a fan. They were just too overdramatic for my liking and it felt like both the books and tv show just dragged on and on. The only other one I’ve read and watched is The Princess Diaries and when it comes to that first film, I prefer the books. I read them all the time when I was 14/15 as I preferred the friendship group Mia had in the books. I also prefer the second film a whole lot more, so I will watch that whenever I’m in the mood for The Princess Diaries.

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    1. So overdramatic! And yes, they definitely dragged, especially in the middle.

      That’s fair! I didn’t even know there was a book when I watched the movie, but I probably would have been the same. I love the second movie, as well! It’s so cute!

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  8. Ah that’s fair about sisterhood of the travelling pants and to all the boys- even though I’ve read (and like) the books, I can understand giving them a miss after the movies. I’m glad everything everything turned out to be a good movie, cos I liked the book! Great list!

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  9. I am 100 percent a fan of skipping the books for a lot of adaptations, especially when the adaptations become their own thing, or you’re not interested in the book but you are in the movie.

    BUT, I feel obligated to urge you to give The Princess Diaries a try! I literally just read it a month ago and thought it was hilarious. Like, I literally laughed out loud for at least a third of it. It’s completely different from the movie, as you mentioned, so as long as you go in knowing that, I think you can easily enjoy it as its own thing.

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    1. So glad you feel the same way!

      Good to know! I honestly didn’t know it was a book when I first watched it, so it was never on my radar until years later. I’ve heard their really different (apparently the movie people wanted Julie Andrews and told Meg Cabot that they were killing off the father to get Julie Andrews lmao) but people seem to enjoy the books!

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      1. Yeah, that sounds about right re: Julie Andrews, but Julie Andrews is so amazing that I think it was worth it. It’s really fun to see how different the book and movie are, but I genuinely like both of them as their own separate pieces of art

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  10. Awesome post, Ally! I don’t think I’ll ever read the Princess Diaries for the same reasons you mentioned. I just love the movie so much and it holds a certain degree of nostalgia for me. I don’t think reading the book would ever be able to replicate the feeling I have when watching it! I do own TATBILB, and plan on reading it at some point in time. Lol. I enjoyed the movie, so I want to tackle the series at some point. I ADORE Wonder, but I haven’t seen the movie yet – I’ve heard some pretty lovely things about it though.

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