WWW Wednesday: December 20

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. All you do is answer the three questions and leave a link to Sam’s post!

The Three Ws are:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

It’s winter break so I’ve been reading!!!

What are you currently reading?


So I kind of lied in my November wrap-up post when I said I’d finished American Gods. I’d gotten SO CLOSE and was expecting to finish it in the first couple days of December, but then life kicked my ass and I had to put it down. SO I’m still finishing it up.

What did you recently finish reading?


I just finished a Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab, which is the second in the Darker Shade of Magic trilogy. I’m giving it 4/5 stars! I really enjoyed it (I have a thing for games/tournaments in fantasy novels) and I’m super excited for the next one.

What do you think you’ll read next?


I think I’ll probably read the next book in the ADSOM trilogy, A Conjuring of Light (which is such a cool name and the cover is GORGEOUS). BUT I also have a massive pile on my bedside table that I’m really looking forward to, so it might be one of them. I have three books left to read to get my Goodreads goal, but I think that’s totally doable in the next eleven days!


That’s all for today! I hope you’re all getting excited for Christmas!

Thanks for reading! xx

14 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday: December 20

    1. I know, they’re so pretty! The covers are initially why I looked into the books! But they’re about magic and world-travelling — like, there’s four different “worlds” that are similar but different and have different amounts of magic in them. It’s a super interesting concept!


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