The Entertaining Blogger Award!

Happy Saturday! I hope your weekend is off to a great start! Today we’re doing another award, this time the Entertaining Blogger Award! I was nominated by the lovely Kelly (about half a millennia ago), so thank you so much Kelly! She’s one of the best, so make sure you go check her out if you haven’t already!

The Rules

  • Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog.
  • Add the rules so others can follow.
  • Answer the questions that have been asked.
  • Nominate a handful of entertaining bloggers.

1. What genre did you read most before starting your blog?

Probably YA or contemporary! I was going through a YA kick when I started my blog.

2. What genre did fellow bloggers influence your opinion on?

Literary fiction, for sure! It was something that I’d tried and had a bad experience with, but when I started following other bloggers and read some of the literary fiction they recommended, I realised that it’s such a great genre.

3. Favourite book format?

I like paperbacks and eBooks the best!

4. Plants without flowers or plants that have flowers?

Flowers are so pretty but hard to take care of, so I’ll go with without flowers! I love cacti and succulents.

5. Some tropes you love seeing in books?

Enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, fake dating. Consider this: enemies who fake date who fall in love.

6. A book character you relate to a lot?

I really related to Kiko in Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman in a lot of ways. She wasn’t my favourite, but the social anxiety thing was SO ME, it was painful to read (in a good way!).

I’m nominating: Ayunda // Sahi // Rachael // Lily //  Libby // Ruqs // Erin // Siobhan // Rebecca // Bree

My questions:

  1. What was your favourite book you had to read for school?
  2. Describe your aesthetic. Pictures appreciated (but not required)
  3. What’s your favourite thing to cook or bake?
  4. What’s one topic that you always want to read more of?
  5. If you wrote a book, what would you want the cover to look like?
  6. What’s one popular book or series you probably won’t read?

Thank you again to Kelly for the nomination! And thank you all for following and for all your continued support! xx

20 thoughts on “The Entertaining Blogger Award!

  1. Love reading award blogs to learn tidbits about other bloggers!! These were fun questions- and I love how you said the character you related to wasn’t your favorite- I find many of the characters I relate to most in books aren’t my favorite..usually because a fatal flaw is shown or something that I resonate with and usually try to avoid in myself 😉 Fascinating point & thereafter discussion! Thanks for sharing, Ally! always love your posts

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