Tag Tuesday: the Bibliophile Sweater Tag

Happy Tuesday everyone! Another Tuesday, another Tag. Today is the Bibliophile Sweater Tag, which I was tagged for by Nicole @ Book Wyrm Knits. Thank you so much for the tag, Nicole! And as always, sorry this is so late!



  1. Give the person who tagged you a never-ending supply of cookies (or just thank them—either works).
  2. Answer all the questions and use the blog graphic for this tag somewhere in your post.
  3. Pass along the tag to at least five other people to wear a sweater.

Fuzzy sweater: a book that is the epitome of comfort

So instead of using the obvious (Harry Potter), I’ll go with the CHERUB Series by Robert Muchamore. They’re not so much comfort books but rather books that I can read whenever and still love.

Striped sweater: book which you devoured every line of

Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor! I wasn’t expecting to love this book as much as I did, but I loved it a lot.

Ugly Christmas sweater: book with a weird cover


The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee. I’m SORRY it’s just not my cup of tea.

Cashmere sweater: most expensive book you’ve bought

I’m not actually sure. I try to buy either eBooks or the books that are for sale at Chapters, so I generally don’t buy super expensive books.

Hoodie: favourite classic book

I now have an answer for this question! The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath! I loved it so much.

Cardigan: book that you bought on impulse

I recently bought Wind/Pinball by Haruki Murakami, which are two of his books in one book. I had never heard anything about them, but I love Murakami’s writing, the cover was pretty, and it was only $9.

Turtleneck sweater: book from your childhood

All of Robert Munsch’s books! He was my favourite author when I was a kid and I’m pretty sure I read nearly everything by him.

Homemade knitted sweater: book that is Indie-published

I actually don’t think I’ve read any Indie-published books 😦

V-neck sweater: book that did not meet your expectations

Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman. I didn’t dislike the book, I just didn’t connect with it as much as I thought I would.

Argyle sweater: book with a unique format

Hmmmm I guess I’ll go with Exit the Actress by Priya Parmar, which is written in the format of diary entries. Which isn’t all that unique, but I think it works.

Polka dot sweater: a book with well-rounded characters

I just finished Pachinko by Min Jin Lee, and it definitely works for this question! It was SO GOOD and the characters were all lovely.

I tag anyone who wants to do this tag or who likes sweaters! (sorry I’m lazy rn lol)

Thanks for reading! xx

12 thoughts on “Tag Tuesday: the Bibliophile Sweater Tag

  1. I’m glad you enjoyed the tag! It was a fun one. I’m completely with you one being late with my own tags, though, LOL. And yeah… that Gentleman’s’ Guide cover is weird…

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