Decluttering my Goodreads TBR #12

Happy Wednesday, everyone! It's been a little while since I did one of these posts, but I thought it was time for a TBR declutter. You can read the others here! This was started by Lia @ Lost in a Story and is a good way to organize your Goodreads to-read list! It works like this: Go to … Continue reading Decluttering my Goodreads TBR #12

Decluttering my Goodreads TBR #11

Happy Wednesday, everyone! I did one of these posts not too long ago, and when I was writing it, I was in the mood to keep cleaning my TBR. So here we are with the ninth round of decluttering my Goodreads TBR. Last time was (as always) a major failure, so let's hope this one … Continue reading Decluttering my Goodreads TBR #11