The Liebster Award!

Happy Saturday, everyone! I hope you’re all having a great weekend. We’re back with another award, today the Liebster award!!! As always, I’m sorry this is about 95 years late. But better late than never! Today I was nominated by two of my favourite and two of the nicest bloggers I know, Rebecca and Lily! If you don’t already know them, you really should at this point. Thank you both so much for the nominations 💖


  • Answer the 11 questions you’ve been asked
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers
  • Ask your nominees 11 questions
  • Let them know you’ve nominated them!

Rebecca’s questions

Do you listen to audiobooks?

I don’t, unfortunately. I have such a hard time concentrating on what I’m listening to that audiobooks wouldn’t work for me. If anyone’s seen John Mulaney’s sketch on not paying attention, that’s how I feel.

Did you have a favourite childhood book series?

Yes, the Magic Tree House series!! My parents would read my brother and I one of them every night. I think we have all of them lol

What’s the last movie you saw in theatres?

God it’s been SO LONG since I went to the theatres. I saw the newest Mission Impossible movie with my family over the summer. It was great, and I definitely recommend it.

Would you ever attend Bookcon?

I would love to attend a Bookcon!! I went to the comic expo in my city ages ago and had a ton of fun, and I think Bookcon would be fun too.

Do you have a favourite sports team?

I do!! I love the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Toronto Blue Jays (even though I’m not from Toronto) and the Detroit Tigers. And I have a soft spot for the Dallas Stars but that’s because I’m in love with one of their players (do yourself a favour and look up Tyler Seguin, he’s gorgeous)

What’s one of your favourite TV shows to binge-watch?

Currently, the Good Place. I think I’ve watched the entire thing more than twice.

What do you enjoy blogging about besides books?

I also like talking about movies and music and fashion. I love fashion but I don’t think I’m good enough at it to blog about.

What’s your most anticipated release for the second half of the year?

I’m not sure what’s still set to being released, but I’m excited to read Muse of Nightmares!

Do you have a favourite boy band?

I never really listened to a ton of boy bands, so I don’t think I have one.

Favourite book of 2018 so far?

Probably Evelyn Hugo. Are we shocked? No.

If your bookish boyfriend/girlfriend took you on a date, what would you want to do?

Oooooh, I’d like to go for coffee at a cute cafe so I can have a mocha and a brownie, and then maybe to a movie or dinner or something (dinner after a cafe, lol)

Lily’s questions

What’s your favourite book series?

Harry Potter, CHERUB (don’t @ me, I still love them), and Red Rising. Mainly because those are the only three series I’ve read (lmao that’s a lie but not far from the truth)

Do you believe in Karma?

Kind of? But I’m also hesitant because I think bad things happen to good people all the time through no fault of their own, and good things happen to bad people too. So kind of but not 100% (classic Ally answer)

If you were to name a child after a book character, what would it be?

I’ve always loved the name Calla, which I read in a book ages ago.

Do you watch Booktubers? If yes, who are your favourite?

I don’t! I watch other youtube but not a ton of booktube.

What’s your favourite book of 2017? And 2016, if you can remember that long ago!

My favourite books of 2017 were Red Rising, the Night Circus, THUG, and the Female of the Species. And according to Goodreads, I read 0 books in 2016, which checks out honestly.

If you could spend the rest of your life in any world, where would you go (but you can’t come back)?

Ahhh that’s so hard! Maybe like, the contemporary book world of our world? Is that a cop out?

If you could have any pet in the world, what would you have?

I want all the dogs!!! I want a corgi and a pitbull and an airedale.

Elephant-sized duck, or duck-sized elephant?

Duck-sized elephant. All my Canadian followers, y’all remember the house hippo? Well, I always wanted a house hippo. And a duck-sized elephant would be close enough.

I nominate: Ayunda // Sahi // Ruqs // Erin // Siobhan // Kelly // LaRonda // Sav // Kristin // Callum

My questions:

  1. What books are on your 2019 TBR (if you’ve planned yet)?
  2. What’s your favourite movie adaptation?
  3. If you could only name your children after Harry Potter characters, what names would you use? (if you haven’t read Harry Potter, choose your favourite series!)
  4. What’s the shortest book you’ve ever read?
  5. Recommend a book you think I’d like
  6. What’s your favourite read so far this year?
  7. What book did you have to read for school did you enjoy?
  8. What’s a topic you’ll always read about?
  9. Which book character do you relate to the most?
  10. What’s your current favourite TV show?
  11. What’s your current favourite book cover?

As always, no pressure!

Thank you again to Rebecca and Lily for the nominations! 💖💖 And thank you all for reading and for all your love and support 💖

Ally xx

30 thoughts on “The Liebster Award!

  1. Thank you so much for the tag! Awesome answers! and YES the magic tree house series was a fave for me – as well as Junie B. Jones! And I don’t listen to audiobooks either, for some reason I just can’t follow along properly. Also I would highly recommend watching Hailey in Bookland as she’s one of my all-time book tubers and I’ve been following her for ages! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi am Samuel and I’ve been following your blog on WordPress and this is a reply to the questions asked on today’s post

    Someone asked you if you listen to audio books and the answer was you lack the concentration to follow one to its final end

    Second question was asked by you and which was what book would one recommend you read and you don’t like classical books and you could try going through one ..

    To answer both questions I’m currently listening to an audio book by Jules Verne called 20000 Leagues Under The Sea …

    I got this one from a website called

    It has all the classic books one cab think of ..

    My book reading list on my Kindle is a collection on children’s books I downloaded as PDF documents from the web and converted them to Kindle format using this eBook manager called Calibre eBook manager I got as a download on my PC and it’s kinda nifty if you like reading books on the comp ..

    My reading pleasure this month is a book titled Allan Quatermain by H.Rider Haggard a classic book I got on the web but they shut down the site


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