Thursday’s Top 4: worst plot twists

This has just been a week of lists, I guess! Find out more about Thursday’s Top 4 here! It’s basically a meme I started mainly for myself, but anyone can participate! Visit this page for the upcoming topics 🙂

This week the topic is worst plot twists! Similarly to last week, this post is fairly short to avoid spoilers (sorry to XXX who said they liked spoilers!).

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The Butterfly Garden by Dot Hutchinson: It was just,,,, so far out of left field, it wasn’t even plausible. This book would have been practically perfect if it hadn’t been randomly thrown in in the last four pages.

Boy, Snow, Bird by Helen Oyeyemi: There are a couple of “twists” near the end of this book, and one of them in particular was just,, odd and somewhat problematic? I wasn’t impressed by it.

Caraval by Stephanie Garber: We all know my thoughts on this book by now. The “twists” were just lazy and unoriginal.

Wentworth Hall by Abby Grahame: I have only read this book once and have never talked about it on my blog because, honestly, it’s just forgettable and unoriginal. All of the “twists” were predictable and cliched, unfortunately.

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So those are some of the worst (in my opinion) plot twists. Have you read any of these books? Agree with any of them? What books do you think have the worst plot twists? Let me know!!

Ally xx

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8 thoughts on “Thursday’s Top 4: worst plot twists

  1. While I can’t think of any examples at the moment (too tired), I do agree that predictable and unoriginal twists are the worst type ever. If it’s that predictable, don’t bother making it a twist! Grrr.

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